Outis's Order

[DIR] ..[DIR] Aliases[DIR] Listing paths[DIR] Listing versions[DIR] Set Colors[DIR] Unit testsRunning 'nvm alias' should create a file in the alias directoryRunning 'nvm current' should display current nvm environmentRunning 'nvm deactivate' should unset the nvm environment variablesRunning 'nvm install' with '--reinstall-packages-from' requires a valid versionRunning 'nvm install' with an invalid version fails nicelyRunning 'nvm unalias' should remove the alias fileRunning 'nvm uninstall' should remove the appropriate directoryRunning 'nvm uninstall' with incorrect file permissions fails nicelyRunning 'nvm unload' should unset all function and variablesRunning 'nvm use foo' where 'foo' is circular abortsRunning 'nvm use iojs' uses latest io.js versionRunning 'nvm use system' should work as expectedRunning 'nvm use x' should create and change the 'current' symlinkRunning 'nvm use x' should not create the 'current' symlink if $NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT is falseRunning 'nvm use' should drop CR char automaticallySourcing nvm.sh should make the nvm command availableSourcing nvm.sh should not modify parameters of callernvm should remove the last trailing slash in $NVM_DIRsetupsetup_dirteardownteardown_dir